Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
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OUR Missionaries
Daren & jennifer clements, UTD
EIM worldwide.org
stan & Jackie sherwood, Panama
Ask God to use them to reach the nations, to break language barriers, for more opportunities to share
the gospel and for souls to be saved.
the gospel and for souls to be saved.
fabio &deborah oliveria, brazil
John & iryna pinkovich, Belaruz
mike & julie rodgers, romania
steve kelley, chaplain
Pray also for their families , their physical health,
and ask the the Lord to enrich their relationships within the church and community as they make disciples
to advance His Kingdom.
and ask the the Lord to enrich their relationships within the church and community as they make disciples
to advance His Kingdom.
operation christmas child
National Collection Week is complete!
Please join us in prayer as millions of shoebox gifts
begin their journey to precious children around the world.
We can't wait to hear testimonies of the miracles
God will perform through these gift-filled shoeboxes!
The Amazing Journey of a Shoebox Gift Begins with You and Results in Evangelism,
Discipleship, and Multiplication.
Discipleship, and Multiplication.